Questions for Humans Bundle, Second Editions

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Same Great Topics—All New Questions

When’s the last time you put down your phone and had a great in-person conversation? If you're thinking it's been a while, mental health and relationship expert Dr. John Delony has the solution. He created his Questions for Humans Conversation Cards to get the conversation flowing between you and your loved ones and allow you to connect on a deeper level.

This new Questions for Humans bundle includes the second editions of the Couples, Friends and Parents and Kids decks. They feature all new questions, allowing you to continue to grow in the way you communicate with all the people you love.

What to expect from these Questions for Humans decks:

  • Couples—Spark a deeper connection and grow closer with your partner.
  • Friends—Build stronger friendships while laughing (a lot).
  • Parents and Kids —Create fun and teachable moments with kids ages 5–12.

See what can happen when you leave your digital life behind, make eye contact with your loved ones while they’re talking and experience the joy of authentic connection.

Spend an hour on one question or go through five or six questions in one sitting. The important part is that you have some fun and connect with your favorite humans.

Created by:
Dr. John Delony
Number of Cards: