Financial Peace University DVD Set - V4

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Like to kick it old school, no Wi-Fi necessary? You’ll love this.

Whether you want DVDs to add a throwback feel to your Financial Peace University (FPU) class or just need to play them in a church basement where the internet is spotty, you can buy the whole nine-lesson DVD set right here. Maybe disks are considered classic these days, but this content is far from vintage. We just made some huge updates to Financial Peace University! So, whether you’ve been leading FPU for years or you’re just starting out, now’s the best time to teach the class.

Two New Experts

Mental health expert Dr. John Delony and money myth-buster George Kamel make their FPU debut with new content on how to have more power over spending.

New Content

We’ve added even more content throughout the course to help people deal with the money challenges they’re facing today. They’ll learn:

  • How companies manipulate people’s brains to get them to buy—and how to outsmart them
  • How to become a millionaire and the myths about building wealth that are just plain wrong
  • How to avoid the modern money traps that are stealing from each paycheck (we’re looking at you, buy now, pay later)
  • And even more!

Why Lead FPU?

You’ve followed the plan and changed your life. Now, this is your chance to inspire people to get gazelle intense and do the same!

In case you need a refresher, Financial Peace University is the nine-lesson course that teaches the step-by-step plan—aka the Baby Steps—to pay off debt fast and save more money for the future. Your class members will learn how to:

  • Take control of their money
  • Attack debt with a vengeance and pay it off fast
  • Save for emergencies
  • Choose the right insurance plans
  • Invest wisely and build wealth
  • Give generously (the best part!)

This isn’t a stuffy financial class. FPU is full of energy, easy-to-understand lessons, and real-life examples of people who have taken control of their money. For good.

Dave Ramsey’s been teaching these commonsense, biblical money principles for over 25 years. And they work. Every time. Just ask the nearly 10 million people who’ve taken FPU and never have to worry about money again.

Your class is next. Ready?

For Churches