EntreLeadership (E-Book)

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Dave has grown his company into a winning national brand with more than 1,000 team members who have impacted millions of lives. EntreLeadership is how he did it, mistakes and all. This is 30 years of real-world experience with all the sweat, tears and prayers. This is how his company has been named one of the Best Places to Work in Nashville 10 times. It’s proven. It’s practical. And it’s how you can do it too.

Whether you lead a team of two or 200, you can grow your business to where you want it to be. Reaching your dream is no longer a question of "What if we could?" You can. EntreLeadership is how.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: And So It Begins
  • Chapter 1 - EntreLeadership Defined
  • Chapter 2 - Start with a Dream, End with a Goal: Living Your Dreams, Visions, Mission Statements, and Goals
  • Chapter 3 - Flavor Your Day with Steak Sauce: Making the Most of Time Management and Organization
  • Chapter 4 - "Spineless Leader" is an Oxymoron: The Easier Way to Make Hard Decisions
  • Chapter 5 - No Magic, No Mystery: The System, the Recipe, and the Truth About Great Marketing
  • Chapter 6 - Don't Flop Whoppers: A Practical Guide to Launching Your Dream
  • Chapter 7 - Business is Easy...Until People Get Involved: Hiring, Firing, and Personality Styles
  • Chapter 8 - Death of a Salesman: The Art of Selling by Serving
  • Chapter 9 - Financial Peace for Business: Bulletproof Principles for Money, Debt, and Funding Your Future
  • Chapter 10 - The Map to the Party: Grasping the Undeniable Relationship Between Great Communication and Great Companies
  • Chapter 11 - People Matter Most: Building Unity and Loyalty with Your Best Resource
  • Chapter 12 - Caught in the Act: Amplifying the Success of Your Business Through Recognition and Inspiration
  • Chapter 14 - Show Me the Money!: Compensation Plans That Fire People Up
  • Chapter 15 - Mastering "the Rope": Delegation: The Best Way to Build a Business Bigger Than You


Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership speaks right to the heart of business leaders, showing not just the how-tos, but also the why-tos that apply to any size business, from a garage-based start-up to a powerhouse market leader. And by the way, I’m the biggest Dave Ramsey acolyte ever! — Dr. Arthur B. Laffer – Economic advisor to President Ronald Regan

Entrepreneurs are needed in America now more than ever—but there’s a big difference between starting a company and leading one. And there’s an even bigger difference between a company that’s valuable and one that has values. But Dave has figured out the recipe to being both things at once, and his lessons are invaluable. — Glenn Beck, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Dave Ramsey has taken commonsense leadership principles and made them uncommonly practical, useful, and life-changing. His straightforward and plain-talk approach is refreshing. Even more admirable is that his advice is not a bunch of leadership frou-frou fluff, but it's solid and substantive. — Mike Huckabee – Former governor, FOX News host

Every entrepreneur is searching for the elusive formula that perfectly blends the creativity of the start-up with the leadership qualities to guide a growing team. Dave Ramsey reveals the ingredients in EntreLeadership, a guide for the complete business leader. — S. Truett Cathy – Founder and CEO, Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Throughout my career, I’ve been blessed to spend time with millions of quality leaders at practically every level of every industry—and I haven’t met one yet that could not benefit from the clear, practical business principles Dave lays out in EntreLeadership! —John Maxwell – New York Times bestselling author

Dave Ramsey is a straight-shooting, no-nonsense, faith-anchored blessing to our world. Each time he speaks, millions of us listen up and learn. Dave leads one of America’s most successful organizations. Learn from his commonsense counsel. You’ll be glad you did. — Max Lucado – New York Times bestselling author

How do I know Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership book can help every small business? Because my son, as CEO of our company, attended Dave’s EntreLeadership ultimate business experience and applied the principles in our company with dramatic results. The difference is bigger than black and white—the difference is between red and black! 
Zig Ziglar – Motivational speaker, New York Times bestselling author

Over a thousand Hobby Lobby employees have proudly benefited from Financial Peace University for several years. Now I am excited to learn about EntreLeadership, which provides great insight on how to become a successful entrepreneur leader. — David Green – CEO and founder, Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

Dave Ramsey
Howard Books
Release Date:
September 20, 2011
Entrepreneurship, Management, Business
Target Audience:
Leaders who want to grow themselves, their teams and their businesses
iBooks for iPad/iPhone (ePub)
About the Author
Ramsey Solutions CEO Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is a four-time #1 national bestselling author, personal finance expert, and host of The Ramsey Show, the second-largest nationally syndicated talk radio show. He has appeared on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, Today, Fox News, CNN, Fox Business and many more. Since 1992, Dave has helped people take control of their money, build wealth, and enhance their lives. He also serves as CEO of Ramsey Solutions.