Get Clear Career Assessment - For Students

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Ken Coleman, career expert and #1 bestselling author, is on a mission to help everyone discover the contribution they were created to make through their work. And now, this super popular career assessment is available for high school students!
This assessment is specifically written to help high school students discover what they were born to do. After completing this quick and easy assessment, students will get a custom report that clarifies and verifies their top talents, their top passions and their driving mission. They’ll also receive a unique purpose statement that’ll help them discover multiple possible job options to lead them to do meaningful work in the future.
Note to Parents and Teachers: While this assessment will help any high school student, sophomores and juniors will benefit the most as they make post-high school education and career decisions.
Once they complete the assessment, students will receive a PDF of their results that shows them:

  • Your Top Talents—What’s easy for you
    • How you wow others
    • What others say about you
    • Talent traps to avoid
  • Your Top Passions—What’s fun for you 
    • Work you love to do
    • Passion pitfalls to avoid
    • How to perform your passion
  • Your Top Mission—What’s important to you 
    • Results that fire you up
    • Mission missteps
    • How to accomplish your mission
  • Your Personalized Purpose Statement 
    • A sentence that brings together your talents, passions and mission to summarize your strengths and help you get specific in your career direction

This report brings all of these aspects together to help students discover the contribution they were created to make through their work. That sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? And you can help them get started!

For Individuals

What's Included?

Get Clear Career Assessment

Get Clear Career Assessment

    This assessment consists of engaging questions that’ll help you understand your talents, passions and mission. It’ll also create your personalized purpose statement and give you clarity around the unique role you were created to fill. It takes approximately 10–15 minutes to complete.

Talents Results

Talents Results

    Every workplace skill can be grouped into one of 12 talent categories. In this section of the assessment, you’ll discover the talents that make you unique and help you stand out. Your results will also include a summary of your top talents, how you wow others, what others say about you, and talent traps to avoid.

Passion Results

Passion Results

    All work can be grouped into one of 15 passion categories. In this section of the assessment, you’ll discover the work that excites you and makes two hours feel like 20 minutes! Plus, you’ll receive a summary of your top passions, a list of skills you love to use, and passion pitfalls to avoid.

Mission Results

Mission Results

    Each result of work can be grouped into one of six mission categories. In this section of the assessment, you’ll discover the contribution you want to make through your work and the why behind it. You’ll learn about the results that fire you up, mission missteps to avoid, and how to accomplish your mission. Personalized Purpose Statement

Personalized Purpose Statement

Personalized Purpose Statement

    At this point in the assessment, you’ll be clear on what you do best, the work you love to do, and the results you want to accomplish. All the pieces will come together to create a purpose statement that’ll lead you to achieve success, experience satisfaction, and find significance in your work and in your life.