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It’s not a book about numbers, percentages or decimals. It’s a book that drives to the heart of the money problems many people deal with—because those problems are usually symptoms of a bigger issue. The issue is our inaccurate beliefs, fears and flat-out lies about budgeting.
Ramsey Personality and debt elimination expert Jade Warshaw candidly shares how she and her husband, Sam, shifted their mindset around money and paid off over $460,000 in debt—including $280,000 of student loans!
In this Quick Read, Jade uncovers five lies we tend to believe about budgeting. Then, she counters those lies with five truths that will rock your world—and change your attitude toward budgeting.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn:
- An easy way to take control of your finances
- The key to get past the "we ain’t got no money" mentality
- A budget is a powerful money tool
- How to stop seeing yourself as a victim and an exception to the rules
This entertaining Quick Read will help you change your mindset about money and give you practical ways to reach your money goals with control and confidence.
*Sorry! The Ramsey Network app is not currently available for international users.
- Author:
- Jade Warshaw
- Format:
- Audiobook
- Publisher:
- Ramsey Press
- Release Date:
- December 5, 2023
- Target Audience:
- People Who Want to Reach Their Money Goals With Control and Confidence
- Pages:
- 70
- Featured:
- New
- Fulfillment:
- Redeemable only in the free Ramsey Network app.
- Read By:
- Jade Warshaw
- Language:
- English
- Genre:
- Money